

areas have been designated as protected areas for their ecological values

As a Party to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Korea is fully engaged in global efforts to protect and conserve biodiversity. Pyeongchang Roadmap adopted at the CBD COP12 held in Korea in 2014 offers a clear and detailed guidance to the Parties on how to achieve CBD goals and targets. Under this roadmap, Korea launched the Bio-Bridge Initiative, which is to help the Parties articulate their needs and to matchmake with available support.

Eco-friendly Land Planning

Korea introduced the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in 1981 as a proactive way to consider environmental aspects from the very first stage of planning and designing the use of its land. The types of the assessments are: Strategic Environmental Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment and Brief Environmental Impact Assessment. Different types of the assessments are conducted depending on the type, scale, and timing of development projects to evaluate their potential adverse impacts on the environment.

National Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plans (NBSAPs)

NBSAPs, updated every five years, are a principal instrument to implement CBD. The 4th NBSAPs (2019-2023) of Korea set detailed strategies and targets for biodiversity conservation