Press Release

Board View

Latest Environmental News from All Around the World (Sep. 14, 2002)


US- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) implements Resource Conservation Challenge to recycle, recover energy and minimize waste (Sep. 9)

The campaign program, Resource Conservation Challenge, aims to boost the national recycling rate from 30 percent to at least 35 percent and curbing by 50 percent the generation of 30 harmful chemicals. EPA announced 12 demonstrative projects to waste minimization, energy recovery, recycling and land revitalization, and EPA will support the actions as follow:

- Establishing partnerships and alliances with industry, states and environmental groups
- Providing training, tools, and technology assistance for businesses, governments and citizen groups
- Getting the word out through outreach and assistance to the general population, especially to youth and minority groups

UNEP warns 13 species of apes, like Asian Orangutan, African Gorilla, Chimpanzee and Bonobo to be extinct in 30 years

UNEP reported that these apes might be extinct due to illegal hunting and deforestation in Rain forest, etc. Upon this report, UNEP decided to promote special program related to this issue.