Press Release

Board View

The 5th Korea-Japan Intergovernmental Conference and Joint Symposium on Endocrine Disruptors


On January 19th 2006, the Ministries of Environment of the Republic of Korea and Japan held 「the 5th Korea-Japan Intergovernmental Conference on Endocrine Disruptors」. The aim of the conference was to discuss ways to pursue joint cooperation on solving problems of endocrine disruptors (Eds). Endocrine disruptors are synthetic chemicals that act as or block hormones in the body. When such chemicals are absorbed into the body they disrupt natural bodily functions.

Government officials from both countries’ Ministry of Environment, including approximately 20 experts from the National Institute of Environmental Research Korea and National Institute for Environmental Studies Japan, participated in the meeting.

In accordance with「the Arrangement between the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea and the Ministry of Environment of Japan on Joint Research and Cooperation concerning Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, Dioxins Furans and Polychlorinated Biphenyls」,which was held in April 2001, the 5th joint symposium was held at the same time as 「the 5th Korea-Japan Endocrine Disruptors Intergovernmental Conference」where the results of six research projects in 2005 were introduced.

The main agendas were finalizing「the 2006 Korea and Japan Research Project Plan」and providing conditions for the exchange of information and cooperation between the two countries regarding endocrine disruptors (Eds), especially POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants: environmental pollutants such as PCB, DDT) and specified chemicals and their effects.

The six research projects, such as ‘General Analysis Research’ and ‘Eds Effect Evaluation with Reference to Land and Marine Organisms’, were discussed at the meeting.

Both ministries have been promoting a total of seven selected projects, such as developing Eds test methods using Oryzias latipes and ecosystem effect research methods as joint research projects since 2003.

At the governmental conference and joint symposium, MOE gained great knowledge in managing Eds and policy directions from Japan’s experiences, which have been recently shifted toward promoting the 2nd phase research project after succeeding in the 1st phase project.

In addition, MOE will extend its role in international cooperation, in such ways as maintaining the promotion of Korea-Japan Joint Research and participating in the Working Group of Standardization of OECD Test Methods. Moreover, MOE will further strengthen its management by designating domestic endocrine disrupting chemicals.