Press Release

Board View

Online Korea Environmental Education Databases Launched


The Ministry of Environment announced the opening of online Korea Environmental Education Database (KEED,, developed to provide a new channel for information sharing in the areas of environmental education. The database features more than 500 downloadable educational materials that are organized according to environmental topics (air, water, ecosystem, noise, forest, wetlands, waste, ESSD, etc), age groups (kindergarten, elementary, junior high, college students and general public), school subjects (science, Korean, math, ethics, etc), activity hours (30min. 1 hr, 2-3 hrs, 3-6 hrs, and more than 1 day) and activity location (indoor, outdoor, at school, at home, etc). Notably, the website opens the doors for teachers and environment practitioners to become the content providers. The plan is to further develop the database to more than 2000 materials in 2-3 years, and the Ministry will award outstanding contributors to the ongoing development of KEED on the Environment Day, June 5th.

In addition, the website also features environment education news, job search, and useful links, and once registered, the members will receive KEED's updates on a regular basis.