Press Release

Board View

Ministry of Environment opens the "Environment Digital Library"


Anyone can have an access to the various environmental resources, including books, dissertations, domestic publications, and foreign electronic journals, through the newly established "Environment Digital Library Net" (, which finally went into operation on Nov. 5, 2002.

The Ministry of Environment has established a system and worked in connection with its affiliate facilities, and obtained over 70 thousand resources. Also, 590 thousand resources in the National Assembly Library, 5 thousand foreign electronic journals, 80 thousand publications of academic research institutions and various other environmental reference materials will also be available for access. Also, around 1000 original text databases published from the Ministry of Environment and its affiliate facilities will be available for download.

Ministry of Environment expects this site to offer various services and information for anyone interested in searching for environment related materials, and the diverse variety and extensive amount of the resources contained in the Environment Digital Library will serve as a big contributor for environmental awareness.