Press Release

Board View

Fastfood and Coffee franchisers made a voluntary agreement on reduction of disposable cups (Oct. 7, 2002)


7 fastfood franchisers like Lotteria and 24 take-out coffee franchisers like Starbucks made a voluntary agreement on reduction of disposable cups with Ministry of Environment. Upon this agreement, fastfood franchises and coffee franchises will charge 100 won and 50 won respectively for taking disposable cups, and refund the same amount when the cups are returned. Collected charge will be invested to environmental preservation activities or used for customers' benefit.

Moreover, stores larger than 395 square yards will not use disposable cups. For franchise stores to be opened from next year, fastfood stores larger than 316 square yards and coffee franchises larger than 198 square yards will not use disposable cups.

This agreement includes all fastfood franchises (1,716 stores) and 89.5% of coffee franchises (674 stores); thus it is expected to significantly reduce the use of disposable cups, which 28,600 million are used in one year nationwide. The agreement will be implemented starting from January 1, 2003.