Press Release

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WWF warns of threat to hippo

The WWF's (World Wide Fund for Nature) survey conducted in the Virunga National Park, Democratic Repubilc of Congo, found that only 1,300 of the hippos remain in the park, a drop of 95% in 30 years. The drastic decline is due to rising demand for hippo teeth sold in the illegal global ivory trade.

The WWF warned that the devastation of the hippo popultation has also had a dramatic effect on surrounding ecosystems as well as the livelihoods of local people. Grass eaten by hippos while grazing helped maintain grasslands and open up paths for other animals to get to watering holes.

Honda's plan to mass market natural-gas-powered Civic in 2004

American Honda Motor Co. Inc. plans to mass market Civic GX model that runs on natural gas. It will sell for about $20,000, approximately $3,000 more than a gasoline-powered model. This model emits 87 percent less nitrogen oxide, 70 percent less carbon monoxide, and 25 less carbon dioxide than a car with an gasoline-powered vehicles. To facilitate the consumers, Honda will sell for $ 2,000 an appliance that allows owners to refuel natural gas from their homes.