Press Release

Board View

The Ministry of Environment is awarded the President Commendation for the Best Central Government for the year 2001 (May 30, 2002)


On behalf of the MOE, the Minister Myung-Ja Kim received the Commendation by the Prime Minister Han-Dong Lee on May 30, 2002. The Office of Prime Minister evaluated the central governments' achievements on major policies, governmental capabilities for implementation, and the citizens' satisfaction of the administration services.

Receiving this commendation was possible thanks to the minister's excellent leadership and the MOE employees efforts to realize environmental conservation. Minister Myung-Ja Kim, who records the longest term of office as a woman minister in Korea, is especially appraised for her minute policy-making and flexible but strong implementation capability.

Major accomplishment of MOE in 2001 are 1) establishing   "Acts Relating to Water Resource in Three Major Rivers and their Communities Support", 2) implementing "Eco-2 Projects", 3) Strengthening Civil Petition Services, 4) promoting of environmental policies via various medium such as TV, newspapers. In addition, MOE was evaluated as the most transparent government.

In 2002, Ministry of Environment will continue the honour of being the best government through implementing "Blue Sky 21" Projects, consolidating river basin management for the 4 major rivers, strengthening waste recycling and advanced chemical management and national land management.