Press Release

Board View

Minister Kim request UNEP & GEF support to Executive Director of UNEP for yellow sand prevention (May 15, 2002)


On behalf of environmental ministers of China, Japan and Korea, Minister Kim conveys the Joint Communique of TEMM4 to the UNEP Executive Director, Klaus Toepfer, and requests UNEP & GEF's active support and participation for the prevention of yellow sand and desertification in the Northeast Asia region.

The content of the letter:

                                           15 May 2002
Hon. Klaus Toepfer
Executive Director
United Nations Environment Programme

Dear Dr. Toepfer,

As you may know, environmental ministers from China, Japan and Korea met in Seoul on 20-21 April 2002 for the Fourth Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting (TEMM4) among the three countries.   I am pleased to let you know that the prospect for regional cooperation in Northeast Asia remains bright; and especially in light of the upcoming World Summit on Sustainable Development, we are strongly committed to working together for the common goal of environmental preservation.  I hereby send you the Joint Communiqué of the meeting.

At the fourth TEMM, the ministers had in-depth discussions on major regional and global environmental issues, including yellow sand, ecological conservation in Northwest China, climate change, biodiversity, and WSSD preparation.  My colleagues and I paid particular attention to the recent outbreak of yellow sand in Northeast Asia, which has been exacerbated by droughts, desertification and climate change, among others.  We shared the view that this problem requires global measures and stressed that active involvement of UNEP and GEF are crucial in our regional efforts.

On behalf of environmental ministers of China, Japan and Korea, I would like to ask for UNEP???s continuous interest and support for TEMM activities and the regional cooperation in Northeast Asia.

Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.

On behalf of environmental ministers of
China, Japan and Korea,


                  Myung Ja KIM, Ph.D.
                  Minister of Environment
                  Republic of Korea