Press Release

Board View

Republic of Korea to strengthen provisions of import in response to WHO update on SARS.


once the who (world health organization) finalizes its sars in regards to three wild animals - chinese ferret badger, masked palm civet, and racoon dog -, the ministry of environment will take stringent measures to prohibit the import of these wild animals.

the study of wild animals detected several coronaviruses closely related to the sars coronavirus in three of wild animals, chinese ferret badger, masked palm civet, and racoon dog. at present, who reports, no evidence exists to suggest that these wild animal species play a significant role in the epidemiology of sars outbreaks. however, it cannot be ruled out that these animals might have been a source of human infection.

under the existing framework of rok in compliance with cites (convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora), importing masked palm civet requires a permit issued by the district environment administrator or provincial governor. in direct response to the who report, the korean government plans to take tough measures by obligating these authorities to prohibit an issue of import permit on masked palm civet, as well as chinese ferret badger and racoon dog.

rok will continue to apply stringent regulations on animals that reveal potential relations to sars, whereas the processed goods that pose no threat of sars would follow the existing provisions of import.