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The delegation from the Ministry of Environment attended the UN 2023 Water Conference

▷ Korean Environment Minister had bilateral meetings with her counterparts from major countries to support Korean green industries to enter the foreign market 

Sejong, March 31 - The UN 2023 Water Conference was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from March 23 to 24, 2023. The second-ever conference, co-hosted by the governments of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Tajikistan, took place 46 years after the first meeting held in 1977 in Mar del Plata, a resort city in Argentina. This conference aimed to conduct a comprehensive mid-term review of the Implementation of the International Decade for Action "Sustainable Development" (2018-2028). It was attended by a host of water-related stakeholders, including member states of the UN, international and UN agencies, and experts from academia, NGOs, and businesses. The South Korean delegation was represented by the Ministry of Environment, Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-water), Asia Water Council, UNESCO International Centre for Water Security and Sustainable Management, Korea’s National Commission for UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme, Korea Water Forum, and the Korea Environment Institute.

Minister of Environment Han Wha-jin attended the conference on March 23 and 24 to deliver a keynote speech at the plenary session and join side events, such as the interactive dialogue on accelerating SDG 6, a high-level forum on science-based global water assessment, and the MOU signing ceremony between the environment ministry, IUCN, and K-water. Minister Han had bilateral meetings with major countries and international organizations. 

<Keynote speech at the plenary session> 

Minister Han delivered a keynote speech at the plenary session on March 23, 2023. In her keynote speech, she mentioned the severity of water disasters caused by climate changes, including flooding, heat waves, and droughts. She called for a prompt response to cope with the growing climate crisis. She presented the policies and technologies of South Korea aimed at achieving SDG 6, such as integrated water management, flood and drought management, smart water management, and water industry development. She also stressed South Korea’s role in the international community, vowing to expand cooperation with international agencies, including UNESCO, UNDP, and OECD, and increase support for developing countries through Green ODA.  

<Interactive dialogue: "Source of Innovation: Accelerating SDG 6" >

The Ministry of Environment organized an interactive dialogue on promoting actions to achieve SDG 6 titled "Source of Innovation: Accelerating SDG 6" at the Millennium Hilton New York on March 24, 2023. Minister Han highlighted the importance of international cooperation in meeting SDG 6 in the Asia-Pacific region in her opening remarks. She strongly called for support from developed countries, including Korea, to expand drinking water and wastewater infrastructure in addition to the efforts of the countries concerned. This session is expected to continue as a regular meeting led by Korea and generate new collaborative projects based on the sharing of best practices and exchanges on ways for cooperation.

<High-level forum on "Science-Based Global Water Assessment">

The Ministry of Environment and UNESCO jointly organized the high-level forum on "Science-Based Global Water Assessment" at the UN Headquarters on the morning of March 24, local time. This agenda to accelerate the achievement of SDG 6 is aimed at establishing a new water assessment mechanism based on objective information and analyses to effectively support international discussions and policy-setting on matters related to water. Minister Han, a keynote speaker who opened the session, delivered details about Korean policies using massive water data and technology. She underscored the importance of developing an intergovernmental water assessment mechanism to support water policies. The Ministry plans to engage proactively from the current conception stage so Korea can play a leading role in introducing and operating the mechanism. 

<Tripartite MOU with IUCN and K-water> 

The Ministry of Environment signed a multilateral memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Korea Water Resource Corporation (K-water) at the Millennium Hilton New York on the afternoon of March 24, local time. The ceremony was attended by Minister Han, IUCN Director General Bruno Oberle, and K-water Executive Vice President Park Pyung-rok . The MOU is expected to help resolve social issues, including water security and ecosystem threats in the Lower Mekong Basin and strengthen cooperation in water, such as developing joint projects based on Nature-based Solutions (NBS).

<Support for Korean green industry sectors to enter foreign market > 

Minister Han met with the ministers of other major countries on the sidelines of the conference to develop international cooperative tasks and support Korean water and other green industry businesses in overseas markets. She received feedback from Korean companies in foreign markets about their hardships and areas requiring governmental support. Such constructive responses were received through individual meetings and seminars ahead of the conference, and Han promoted assistance tailored to each business during the bilateral ministerial meetings. Further, she asked for strong cooperation, particularly from countries with pending business opportunities, such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, and Saudi Arabia. Han also met with Korean corporate officials engaged in the water business in the U.S. on March 23 local time and discussed plans for the Ministry’s assistance.  


Environment Minister Han Wha-jin stated, "This UN Water Conference is a significant meeting on water-related issues that takes place for the first time in nearly half a century. We will expand South Korea’s role in achieving SDG 6 by 2030 and increase our nation’s presence in the international community,". She added, "We will promote South Korea’s strong competence in water management to gain a foothold to enter the foreign market in green industry sectors."

Contact: Chung Dae-chul, Deputy Director

Transportation Environment Division / +82-(0)44-201-6939

Foreign Media Contact: Chun Minjo(Rachel)

+82-(0)44-201-6055 /