Press Release

Board View

Renovate Korea-China Environmental Industry Center to activate with Chinese Environmental market


Korea-China Environmental Industry Center in Beijing expanded its capacity to promote its provisional access to Chinese Environmental Market.

Korea-China Environmental Industry Center has moved from the outside urban region to the Central Business District offering accessibility for environmental industry experts of both countries.

It also provides a space for an investment commission, business meeting, and interpretation for domestic small and medium sized enterprises, legal advices and administrative services.

The movement of Korea-China environmental Industry Center is to propel efficiency of Chinese environment division for 2008 Beijing Olympic and 2010 Shanghai Expo

The opening ceremony on 8th June 2005, Korea-China Environmental Industry Center in Beijing is to advance functional incubating system for domestic environmental enterprises who are wishing to branch into China.

At the opening ceremony, not only Korean Minister of Environment, KWAK Kyul-Ho and Korean ambassador to China, KIM Ha Joong but also Chinese Minister of State Environmental Protection Administration, XIE Zhenhua and more than one hundred of related governmental industry workers from both countries assembled to celebrate the relocation of Korea-China Environmental Industry Center.

Since the establishment of Korea-China Environmental Industry Center in China Institute of Environment Science outside Beijing in May 2001, Korea has made a progress of building scale of 33.4 billion won by introducing excellent environmental technology and facilities to China.

Last June, Korean Ministry of Environment selected ten marketing potential areas for priority groups and presented ‘the Strategy of Accelerating Environmental Industry to China’ to reinforce the innovation of Chinese industry.

Korean Ministry of Environment has sent both local and government sector of Environmental Industry cooperation Agency to China and also held local-tour-seminars in 5 different provinces. Moreover Korean Ministry of Environment supported domestic enterprises to work in Chinese Industry Market by promoting a training program of inviting Chinese senior officers (66 people from 2003 to 2004), and joint technology development.

Korean Minister of Environment mentioned in his congratulatory speech that if a lot of environmental industry experts of both countries met and shared their experiences and technology then both sides will contribute in enhancing environmental industrial development, and he called for Korea-China Environmental Industry Center to play the role of promoting such schemes.