Press Release

Board View

Global environmental leaders gather in New York for the Eleventh Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development


The Eleventh Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development(CSD11) is being held in UN Headquarters in New York from April 28 to May 9th, 2003, with representatives and delegates from 191 UN member countries, international organizations and NGOs participating to discuss the plan of implementation for follow-up of the Johannesburg Summit, and the future role of the Commission on Sustainable Development.

The Korean delegation is led by the Minister of Environment Han Myeong Sook. During the Ministerial Round Tables which is held during the high-level segment of CSD11 (28-30 April 2003), Minister Han introduced Korea's major policies and efforts for promoting sustainable development in Korea. She also plans to take part in bilateral talks with Klaus Toepfer, Executive Director of UNEP, to discuss matters regarding the 8th Special Session of Governing Council meeting to be held in Korea next year; and also with the Environment Ministers of Canada and Australia, to promote bilateral cooperation such as exchange of environmental experts between nations.

Since this will be the fist CSD Session since the Johannesburg Summit, this meeting will be crucial in providing sound political direction to the implementation of the Johannesburg outcomes and to the next phase of the Commission's work.