Press Release

Board View

KORECO announces 0.55% cutdown in the annual interest rates for the recycling industries


Beginning from April 1, 2003, the Korea Resources Recovery and Reutilization Corporation(KORECO) will reduce the annual interest rates of the support loans for the recycling industries, from 5.33% to 4.78%, a 0.55% cutdown.

This decision was made in reaction to the stagnation in the nation's recycling market, alongside the downward trend of the economics in our nation. Against this background, the reduction in the interest rate of loans will promote active development of recycling industries, by making it easier to establish new industries as well as invest on the new recycling facilities.

Furthermore, the corporation expects a significant reduction of wastes generation as well as an active promotion of the recycling activities. Also, it further plans to improve the system by reflecting public comments and opinions in the future changes.