Press Release

Board View

EU passes tough regulation on chemical management


EU, a traditional pioneer in chemicals management, has announced its new strengthened policy on chemical management.

The policy will include a new chemical management mechanism called the REACH system, which makes it mandatory for any chemicals produced or imported over 1 ton to require registration, evaluation (for over 100 tons) and authorization (for PBT and CMR materials) process according to its toxic level.

PBT: Persistent, Bioaccumulative, Toxic
CMR: Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, and Toxic to Reproduction
REACH: Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals

A new EU Chemicals Agency will also be established to carry out the task of the new chemical policy as well as to provide guidance to companies in EU member countries.

Furthermore, EU plans to strengthen its prohibition on the use of heavy metals in electronic products such as hexavalent chromium (lead, mercury, cadmium) and carcinogenic substances in textile and paints.

Although the new tough measures are welcomed by many, some countries are pointing out the possibility that the new policy might be in conflict with the trade liberalization principles of WTO.