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China's State Environmental Protection Administration(SEPA) announced the environmental conditions of 2002 and the main projects planned for 2003

On June 5, 2003, China's State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) made an official announcement on the environmental conditions for 2002 and the main projects planned for 2003.

According to the announcement, the status of environmental pollution stayed the same, even with the 8% increase in the GDP level. The total amount of wastewater discharge increased about 1.5%, equalling 43.95 billion tons. The amount of industrial wastes also increased about 6.5% since the previous year, to 900 million tons.

In 2003, the Agency plans to focus on projects related to water source treatment facilities for resolving water scarcity problems, changing the structure of industries and farms, and recycling and reuse of sewage water.

Government of Canada Supports Innovative Hydrogen-fuel Projects

The Government of Canada announced on June 8, 2003 of its plans to support $4.5-million investment in three projects that will develop and test hydrogen fuel-cell technologies and the systems needed to put them into widespread use. It also announced a $9.6-million investment through Technology Partnerships Canada, in a $32-million research and development initiative by QuestAir Technologies Inc. of Burnaby, British Columbia.

Energy experts claim that hydrogen and fuel cells will be an increasingly important part of the global energy mix in the coming decades and, as such, will be an increasingly significant part of climate change and air-quality solutions. Governments and industry around the world are recognizing that fuel cells and other hydrogen technologies have the potential for both economic growth and environmental benefits. Canada is a world leader in this field and these investments will help solidify Canada's position.