Press Release

Board View

Global Environmental News from all around the World (July 23, 2002)


Law on the Promotion of Clean Production was endorsed on June 23, 2002, and will be implemented from 2003 in China

The 28th Session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislative body, passed a new government procurement laws, including Law on the Promotion of Clean Production. The law will be in effect from 1 January 2003.

The law consisted of 6 chapters and 42 articles aims to promote clean development, increase recycling rate, reduce and prevent pollutant discharge, preserve and enhance environment, secure human health and promote sustainable development.

Chinese government intends to phase out backward industrial techniques and promote clean production processes on a voluntary basis by activating the function of market for resource distribution.

Taipei City will stop using landfills to dispose waste by 2010 (July 12, 2002)

Mayor of Taipei City Ma Ying-jeon announced that the city will stop using landfills to dispose waste by 2010 on July 12 at a ceremony celebrating the second anniversary of a volume-based waste fee system. The landfill sites reached its carrying capacity, and the city will increase the recycling rate and incinerate the rest, according to Mayor Ma.

Taipai city`s waste management policies present measures like promoting organic waste recycling such as food leftovers, increasing recycling by carefully sieving out reusable material from incinerators, using modified garbage trucks to separately collect recyclable waste and food waste, etc. The city aims to increase recycling to 25% from the present 17%.

In addition, the ash collected from incinerators and the sludge collected from sanitary sewers will be treated before being processed into construction materials.