Press Release

Board View

Korea to host the 5th MCED


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The 5th UN ESCAP (Environment and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development (MCED 2005) will be hosted by the Republic of Korea in Seoul from 24~29 March, 2004. Korea expressed its willingness to be the host country at the 60th Session of ESCAP in Shanghai, China in April 2004, and the final selection was determined in August.

The Asia-pacific region, which account for 1/4 of the global landmass and more than half of the world population, has undergone unprecedented political, economic, and social developments throughout the past decades. The rapid modernization of the region gave rise to unanticipated pressures including environmental deterioration and the loss of natural resources, and such challenges have been exacerbated by the poverty experienced by many nations.

In this backdrop, the UN ESCAP MCED was established with the goal of facilitating the sustainable development of the region while responding to the environmental challenges. With a launch of the first conference in Thailand, the home ground for ESCAP headquarters, MCED has been held every 5 years since then. After Kitakyushu, Japan, this is the second time that the conference is being held outside of the ESCAP headquarters.

At the MCED 2005, approximately 62 environment ministers of the ESCAP member states, and representatives from international organizations and NGOs will gather to discuss the ‘Implementation Plan for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific’ for year 2006 ~2010 and reaffirm their commitment through the ministerial declaration.

The participants will also review the implementation outcomes and the follow-up measures to the MCED 2000 with the united vision towards sustainable development of the region. The core agenda will include “sustainable production & consumption” and “capacity building for trade and environment”, and sub regional initiatives on “dust and sandstorms”, “soil degradation”, “education for sustainable development”, “public-private partnerships for providing basic services to the poor”, and “community development” will also be developed through the conference. Furthermore, associated events such as the NGO, press & media, and industry forums, as well as academic seminars will take place in conjunction with the conference.

In particular, the host venue – the City of Seoul – promises to make the conference memorable for all participants. Seoul became the national capital in 1394 during the Joseon Dynasty, and has remained the hub of Korea for more than 600 years. Surrounded by Mt.Nam-San and Mt. Bukhan-San, Seoul is special in that historical sites and modern facilities of the latest technology coexist in harmony.

In particular, Seoul’s Jongmyo Royal Shrine - the house of worship for the kings of the Joseon Dynasty - is sure to delight visitors with its beautiful cultural assets as one of Korea’s “UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites.” Furthermore, Changdeok-gung and Changgyeong-gung Palaces present visitors with the opportunity to enjoy distinctive features of Korea’s traditional gardens where colorful pavilions harmonize with rich forests and ponds.

Seoul is also highly recognized as a world-class city with numerous amenities and shopping districts such as Insa-dong and Myeong-dong. Insa-dong is a tourist attraction district where alleys of galleries and folk art stores make the perfect complements to traditional restaurants and teahouses, while Myeong-dong district resembles a massive shopping city where Korea’s trendsetters fill the streets with vibrant energy.

Furthermore, Lotte Hotel Seoul – the conference venue for MCED 2005- is one of Korea’s most prestigious hotels, consisting of 38 ground floors, 1400 rooms and a banqu et room of 4,200m2. Also equipped with a vast variety of facilities and amenities, the hotel accommodates numerous international conferences every year. In particular, located in the heart of downtown Seoul, Lotte Hotel offers easy access to key government offices, corporate headquarters, the financial district, royal palaces and major sightseeing attractions.

The Government of Korea already has the proven record of hosting the UNEP 8th Special Session of the Governing Council with unprecedented success. Based on the accumulated experience and the nation’s passion and commitment towards regional environmental conservation, the Government of Korea will make earnest efforts to successfully host this ESCAP Conference. The MOE has established a separate taskforce to prepare for the ESCAP Conference and is in the process of negotiating with the ESCAP Secretariat on such matters as conference venues, agenda topics, and transportation.