Press Release

Board View

Korea to invest 130 billion won for the Eco-STAR Project


The Ministry of Environment announces the Eco-STAR (Eco Science-Technology Advancement Research) implementation plan, setting mid- and long-term strategies to develop promising environmental technologies by sector. This year, the Ministry is to launch two task forces for developing low-emission technologies and water treatment technologies.

The ‘Task Force on Low Emission Vehicle Development’ will focus on developing technologies for vehicle emission reduction, with the investment of 65 billion won by 2010. In case of diesel vehicles, the task force will aim at developing cutting-edge technologies to meet the level of Euro-V standard*. Meeting the Euro-V standard represents 30% cut in particulate matter discharge compared to the EURO-IV standard. For gasoline vehicles, the task force will aim at developing the SULEV (Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle) technology that would produce 40% less Carbon Dioxide compared to the ULEVs (Ultra Low Emission Vehicle).
The Euro Standards are widely used in the European countries as a vehicle emission index.

The government will also invest 65 billion won for the ‘Task Force on Advancing Water Treatment Technology’, devoted to advancing sewage and wastewater treatment technologies. The Task Force will also focus on disseminating new technology for wide applications. The goal is to develop water treatment technology with the capacity of purifying sewage and wastewater to the level of 3 ppm BOD level. Furthermore, efforts will be made to establish concrete methods to remove color, odor and taste from tap water, to provide citizens with cleaner and safer drinking water source.

The two task forces will operate according to the milestone system, a method of setting prior targets in stages and reshaping the follow-up measures based on the progress and outcomes. The Ministry will designate the heads of the task forces in upcoming September.