Press Release

Board View

Korea celebrates the 11th World Water Day, "Water for the Future"


Over 2000 people will be gathered at the KBS Hall in Yeouido on March 22, to take part in the official ceremony of the World Water Day. The ceremony, hosted by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Construction and Transportation, will feature water-related live performances, choruses, videos, and awards ceremonies. Among the 2000 people expected to participate in the ceremony are, Prime Minister Ko Gun, Minister of Environment Han Myung Sook and Minister of Construction and Transportation, Choi Jong Chan.

It is notable that this year's World Water Day coincides with the UN's designation of the year 2003 as the "International Year of Fresh Water". The World Water Forum, a global meeting held every three years for conservation and sustainable use of water, is to be held in Kyoto, Shiga and Osaka, Japan from March 16-23, under the theme of "Water for the Future". This year's theme focuses on observing sustainable approaches to water use for the benefit of future generations.

Also, other local autonomous governments and provincial environment management authorities, administrative bodies, and academic institutes will host various seminars, exhibitions and publicity activities such as drawing and writing contests and educational training, in an effort to publicize the importance of water resources management on the occasion of the ceremony. Also, TV and radio broadcasts, family camps, public campaigns and community cleaning works and activities are planned all throughout the year for successful conservation and sustainable use of water resources.