Press Release

Board View

SUDOKWON Landfill Site Management Corporation obtained a patent for Resources Circulation Management System (Aug. 12, 2002)


SUDOKWON Landfill Management Corporation is expecting to reduce waste and relevant environmental problems by implementing Resources Circulation Management System.
Officials from the corporation said that more than half of waste dumped in landfill sites, which has been causing noxious fume, leachate, dust and insects, is fusible and can be recycled as energy sources.

When the system implements, waste is to be processed to return its energy.  Waste will be weighed and dried. Fusible waste will be selected, mixed, chopped and dried again to turn it into fuel.  When fuel from waste is incinerated, the heat will be turned into electricity or used for heating sources for local residents.  

It is expected to diminish noxious fume, dust, leachate and 95% of insects, improve local environment and promote turning landfill sites into an ecological park.  In addition, the lifecycle of the landfill will be extended for 70 years.