Press Release

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EPA Releases an Innovative Approach to Cleaner Water

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a new Water Quality Trading Policy to cut industrial, municipal and agricultural discharges into the waterways in the U.S. The trading policy seeks to support and encourage states and tribes in developing and putting into place water quality trading programs that implement the requirements of the Clean Water and federal regulations in more flexible ways and reduce the cost of improving and maintaining the quality of the waters.

The agency will be providing more than $800,000 in fiscal year 2002 funding support for technical and other support for 11 trading projects.

The EU Commission acts to reduce pollution from paints and varnishes

The European Commission has presented a new proposal to reduce the content of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in a series of decorative paints and varnishes by about 50%, or 280,000 tons, per year. VOCs contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone (smog), which is one of the big remaining air quality problems in the EU. The proposal will for the first time set EU-wide limits on solvent content in paints, varnishes and vehicle refinishing products to come into effect in two phases: 2007 and 2010.

Separate collection and discharge of wastes for industries and public institutions made obligatory in Germany

Germany has enforced a new regulation which obligates public institutions and industries for separate collection of wastes, such as paper, glass, plastic and metals for recycling. Also deposit money will be charged for the recyclable containers and cans, and the maximum of 50 thousand Euros will be fined for violation of the new regulation.

About 85% of the wastes are expected to be recycled through the enforcement of this regulation.