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United States and Canada Unveil Joint Border Air Quality Strategy (1.6.2003)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, along with Canada's Minister of Environment, has announced a commitment by the two countries to build on the transborder air quality improvements of the last decade by working on new cooperative projects for the years ahead. These projects will serve as a foundation for developing new strategies to improve air quality and address transboundary air pollution of concern to Americans and Canadians alike.

To implement the Strategy, U.S. government agencies, led by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, will work with the Canadian Government to identify appropriate pilot projects in consultation with relevant stakeholders such as states, provinces and local governments.

EU Commission announces a policy on common measurement standards of energy audits for buildings

The European Union Commission announced on Jan. 4, 2003, of its policy on energy audits for buildings. The key issues of the policy are like the following. By Jan.4, 2006, at the latest, the EU member countries must adopt common measurement standards of energy audits for buildings, set up minimum requirements for the energy efficiency in buildings, officially adopt the energy certification of buildings, and perform regular inspection of the insulation systems.

China succeeds in sulfur dioxide emission trading

Through a trial pollution emission trading program, China has succeeded in the nation's very first sulfur dioxide emission trading. This pilot trading was made successful based on the earlier pollution emission trading projects and regulation of the quotas executed in Jiangsu Province, jointly under the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.