Press Release

Board View

Seongbuk-dong records the lowest noise level at 44dB in Seoul (June 18, 2002)


Ministry of Environment has inspected and reports the noise level in 25 cities in the first quarter of this year. According to this report, Seongbuk-dong records the lowest noise level at 44dB where the movement of population is stabilized, transportation flows without congestion and has large green areas. Seongbuk-dong keeps the noise level lower than the environmental standards at 55 dB at daytime and 40dB at night time. In contrast, Hwagok-dong near Gimpo Airport records the highest noise level at 60dB(daytime) where a subway station recently opens and commercial areas are rapidly spreading.

In Busan, Dongdaesin-dong(49dB) records the lowest and Yeonsan-dong(65dB) the highest noise level; In Daegu, Daemyeong 6(yuk)-dong(49dB) records the lowest and Pyeongni 4(sa)-dong(57dB) the highest; In Gwangju, Dongun-dong (52dB) records the lowest and Wolsan-dong(56dB) the highest in Gwangju.

In residential areas of the 25 cities, the noise levels of 20 cities exceed the environmental standards at daytime (55dB) and the noise levels in 23 cities exceed the environmental standards at  nighttime(40dB). However, the noise levels in commercial and industrial areas of 25 cities are generally kept below the standards at all time.