Press Release

Board View

Latest Environmental News from All Around the World (Sep. 2, 2002 )


In World Summit on Sustainable Development being held in Johannesburg, South Africa, mutual agreements on support for combating to desertification and protecting marine environment were reached (Aug. 24-28)

- Global Environment Facility (GEF) was urged to take combat to desertification as one of the major projects, and the parties of United Nation's Convention on Combat to Desertification would take GEF as their financial supporter.

- Protection of fisheries and marine environment was also mutually agreed, especially insular countries would actively implement protection actions.

China is at the last phase of ratifying Kyoto Protocol (Aug. 23, 2002)

- China is reviewing Kyoto Protocol at the last process before its ratification scheduled in March 2003. As stating its national position on Climate Change, China will criticize U.S. for withdrawing Kyoto Protocol as well as its environmental policies toward developing countries like China and India.

Ireland has levied charge on plastic bags, resulted in increase in tax income and reduction of consumption of those bags (Aug. 21, 2002)

- Since the Republic of Ireland levied a charge of 15 cents per a bag in March 2002, 3.45 million U.S. dollars were collected, and 90% of consumption on plastic bags were reduced. Upon the successful results, U.S. and England governments will review this system for adoption.