Press Release

Board View

Latest Environmental News from All Around the World (May 27, 2002)


Ratification of Kyoto Protocol is almost settled in Japan (May 21)
- Every member of the House of Representatives in Japan voted for ratification of Kyoto Protocol in May 21. For the next step, the House of Councillors will proceed and will finally decide the ratification of Kyoto Protocol. However, the decision of the House of Representatives takes precedence in this case; thus Kyoto Protocol will be enforced regardless the decision of House of Councillors.

China established "6 Major Projects on Forestry" aiming to restore 26% of forest in 50 years (May 17)  

- Chinese Ministry of Forestry announced that 26% of forest will be restored in 90% of China's Land, total 760 million hectar. The project includes protection of primitive forest, reforestration, protection of habitat for wild fauna and flora, etc.

Canada suggested to join the US in reneging on the Kyoto Protocol unless European Union grants key concessions to Canada (May 10, reported)

- NewScientist reported that Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien said he was "not in a position to ratify until some elements are clarified", and the elements were believed to be gaining credits under the protocol for exporting natural gas and hydroelectric power to the US.