Press Release

Board View

Exemplary eco-villages and eco-restoration sites announced


The MOE announced thirteen exemplary cases of natural preservation and eco-restoration for the year 2003. The selections were made in two categories: "Eco-Villages" and "Eco-restoration sites". The MOE plans to award the Environmental Merit to these areas and give financial support priorities for their environmental infrastructuring.

Among the selected eco-villages include the Suk-Juh Village in Gwang-gu province where the villagers were engaged in organic farming and voluntarily environmental activities. The Neung-Gil Village in Jeolla Province was also highlighted as an eco-village for providing a spring habitat for over 500 herons, and carrying out seasonal eco-experience programs.

The Som-ban Ecology Park in Jeju Island, among many others, was selected as an exemplary eco-restoration site. Recognizing its serious water quality degration problem, the city invested USD 2 million and made three-year effort for its restoration project. Now, the park marks the first class water quality and provides pleasant leisure environment for citizens.