Press Release

Board View

Fatal and highly toxic pesticides prohibited from use in the golf courses


According to the amendments made in the Water Quality Protection Act and its Enforcement Decree, which will go into effect from June 23 of this year, 17 highly toxic pesticides, such as parathions, will be prohibited from use in the golf courses.

The only exceptions are upon the official approval by the city mayor or province governor, in case of absolute necessity for protecting the trees around the courses against harmful insects and infectious diseases. Negligence of the law will result in maximum fine of 10 million won.

Also the revised Act mandates for the Minister of Environment to consult with the Watershed Management Committee as well as other relevant ministries to establish enforcement plans for protection of water quality in a 10 year cycle.

With the enactment of the newly revised Water Quality Protection Act, the Ministry of Environment plans to implement more advanced and comprehensive plans for preserving the nation's water as well as a implementing systematic measures for preventing against water pollution.