Press Release

Board View

Global Environmental News from all around the World (July 29, 2002)


Regulations on automobile gas emission to reduce greenhouse gases are signed in California (July 22)

California Government signed a bill requiring automakers to cut greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane by the 2008 model.

The bill grants the California Air Resources Board the authority to implement the regulation on trucks and passenger cars to emit the least amount of greenhouse gases by 2005.

Upon implementation in 2009, automakers will be put under a much stricter regulation on vehicle emission.

Swiss selected 10 model cases of sustainable production

- Swiss Chemical Industry Association for their efforts to reduce VOCs
- COOP for the NATURAplan which successfully commercialized organic food
- Market for used construction materials in Zurich for reducing construction waste
- Mr. Jean-Philippe, the owner of a grape farm, for his efforts to reduce chemical weed killer
- UBS bank for settling Ecofund (ecoportfolios)
- Mobility Taxi company for reducing traffic and environmental problems by sharing ride
- Rundun gessund (Totally Healthy) movement for promoting organic agriculture in Alps mountains
- 2B AG bio-tech company for extracting ethanol from cellulose
- Born AG, a car repair shop, for their efforts to reduce VOCs
- Parlen Papier AG for developing environmentally-friendly paper production