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EPA issues second report on trends in protecting children's health

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the release of America's Children and the Environment: Measures of Contaminants, Body Burdens, and Illnesses", the Agency's second report on trends in environmental factors related to the health and well-being of children in the United States.

The report reveals trends in environmental contaminant levels in air, water, food, and soil; concentrations of contaminants measured in the bodies of children and women; and childhood illnesses which may be influenced by exposure to environmental contaminants.

EPA's report data help identify, track and evaluate potential environmental impacts on children's health. Ultimately these measurements will help guide the US efforts to minimize environmental impacts on the children and also will inform discussions among policy makers and the public about how to improve federal data. The full report on America's Children and the Environment's is available at:

The UK Government announced its plans for switching towards cleaner forms of energy, away from fossil fuels and nuclear power

On Feb 24, 2003, the UK Government published its Energy White Paper with plans for radically cutting down the pollution by various methods, including reductions in the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere to 60% of 1990 levels by about 2050.

It also announces the running-down of nuclear power stations, which currently supply about 25% of UK electricity, and encourages renewable power, such as wind and wave energy, and energy efficiency. It expects that 10% of electricity should come from renewables by 2010 - up from 3% now.

If the plan is effected, policies will add between five and 15% to household electricity prices, up to 25% to industrial electricity prices and up to 30% to industrial gas prices by 2020.