Press Release

Board View

Latest Environmental News from all around the World (April 9, 2002)


Japanese Government asked the National Assembly to ratify Kyoto Protocol (March 28, 2002). It is expected to be ratified without serious challenges since both Japanese government and nongovernment party agreed on this issue.

- Except the United States, the ratification of Kyoto Protocol in developed countries such as Europe and Japan is proceeding more rapidly.

The UK Emissions Trading Scheme came into operation in London (April 2, 2002)

- The UK government allows companies to trade Carbon oxide in order to achieve its targets for the Kyoto Protocol and be the centre of emission trading markets by setting international standards for trading for the first time in the world.

- 34 companies including British Petroleum, Shell, Barclays Bank and Tesco enter the first phase of Emission Trading Scheme.

For more about Emission Trading in the UK, visit

The United Kingdom plans to supply 10 % of electricity with renewable energy, and supports 260 million Pounds to relative industries in 3 years (April 2, 2002).

- Industries in the UK will also be obligated to consume renewable energy at least 10 % of their total energy use.