Press Release

Board View

Public Notice for the Special Act on Metropolitan Air Quality Improvement announced


Public Notice for the draft enforcement decrees and ordinances of the Special Act on Metropolitan Air Quality Improvement has been announced on June 24. The draft designates 24 major cities including Seoul and Incheon as the Air Quality Control Zones, and introduces detailed measures for drastic air quality improvement in the respective region and its vicinities.

According to the announcement, the law will mandate enterprises selling over 3,000 vehicles/yr. and those selling over 300 freight cars/yr. in the metropolitan area to supply low-emission vehicles at above the number set by the Ministry of Environment, while enforcing public institutions to purchase low-emission vehicles at a rate of 20%. It will also mandate diesel vehicles registered in the metropolitan area to undergo annual emission testing. Those of which fail to meet the standards will be enforced to attach emission filters, install low-emission engines, or be scrapped. Notably, financial support will be provided for the vehicles undergoing required operations.

Furthermore, starting July 2007, industrial sites discharging over 30 ton of NOx, 20 ton of SOx, and 1.5 ton of dusts will be subject to the Total Pollution Load Management System. Once an industrial site exceeds the permitted amount, the Ministry will impose strict charges per 1kg emission volume. (4,260 won per 1kg of NOx, 7,976 won per 1kg of SOx, and 13,193 won per 1kg of dusts) The Emission Trading System will also be adopted to allow a market for emission trading among industries.

The Ministry of Environment will review opinions collected from other sectors and government bodies and undertake required assessments, including those conducted by the Ministry of Legislation. Finally, the enforcement notice for the Special Act will be announced by the end of November.