Press Release

Board View

Facilities which emit scattering dust will be subject to special inspection


For the period of 35 days (from April 7 to May 10) all the facilities nationwide which produce the scattering dust, such as construction sites and aggregate extraction areas, will undergo a special inspection by the Ministry of Environment.

The Ministry revealed on April 3 of its plans for conducting an inspection against scattering dust emitting facilities nationwide, since the windy and dry weather of spring brought about an urgent need to pay special attention to the air pollution prevention in our nation.

Facilities subject to inspection are construction and civil engineering sites, building demolish areas, and aggregate extraction areas. Also, machinery and trucks carrying cement, coal, earth and sand are also subject to inspection.

Some of the key inspection areas are installation of the facilities which restrain the scattering dust from producing, as well as status and condition of the anti-dust walls and washing facilities. The list of the names of the companies which fail the inspection test will be disclosed to the public, and be punished by having to pay a fine, prosecuted for violation of law, or in severe cases, will be discontinued or restricted from functioning.