Press Release

Board View

The latest automatic odor detection system built around the Sudokwon Landfill Site Management Corporation


In order to detect and assess the root cause of the offensive odor in its area, the Sudokwon Landfill Site Management Corporation(SLC) invested about 1.5 billion won in building the latest and newest Odor Auto Analysing Center, with Open Path systems that can detect up to 12 main causes of odor, such as ammonia.

The SLC is an affiliate organization of the Ministry of Environment responsible for disposal of wastes generated from the Metropolitan area. For many years, residents around the SLC has been complaining about the offensive odor surrounding its area, and SLC has been making an ongoing effort to accurately detect the root cause of the offensive odor in order to find solutions to the problem. However, due to the mixture of the odor from the pastures, feed factories and industrial complexes in its neighboring area, there were limitations to detecting the main sources of the odor.

The Odor Auto Analysing System, built in 3 places in the landfill sites, will accurately detect the root causes of the odor. In the near future, if the odor modeling system, which connects the data from the Odor Auto Analysing Center with the meteorological data from the Korea Meteorological Administration is built, predicting direction of odor spreading through the wind will become possible. This will further contribute to SLC to take the necessary action such as odor forecasting, to actively cope with the offensive odor.