Press Release

Board View

Domestic Companies Secure Consecutive Green Industry Projects in Oman

▷ Continued achievements following the signing of Green Transition Agreement between the Korean Ministry of Environment and Omani Ministry of Energy and Minerals

The Ministry of Environment (Minister Han Wha-jin) announced that GS Inima, a subsidiary of GS Construction, has secured the contract for the construction and operation rights of the KRW 2.4 trillion ‘Oman Ghubrah 3 Seawater Desalination Plant’ from the Oman Power & Water Procurement Company. The contract signing is scheduled to take place in Muscat, Oman on May 12.

This project involves constructing a seawater desalination facility using reverse osmosis in downtown Muscat. Once completed in 2027, the facility is expected to supply 300,000 tons of domestic water to the area. GS Inima will handle all aspects of the project, including design, procurement of materials, construction, and commissioning. After completion in 2027, it is planned to operate the desalination facility for 20 years.

Originally, this project was awarded in December 2020, but it was halted due to a request from the client to change the site. The ME dispatched a support team to Oman in August of last year, led by Minister Han Wha-jin, to meet with Salim bin Nasser Al Aufi, the Omani Minister of Energy and Minerals, and requested the swift resumption of the project. Minister Al Aufi responded positively, assuring that the project would be resumed promptly.

Meanwhile, at the signing ceremony for the seawater desalination facility project rights in Muscat, Oman, representing the Korean government, Jeong Hwan-jin, the Director of the Global Green Project Team at ME, will attend. He will congratulate domestic companies on securing seawater desalination projects and request the active interest and support of the Omani government.

Since last year, ME has designated Oman as a priority cooperation country for green industry overseas expansion. The Ministry has been conducting comprehensive support activities, including dispatching high-level and practical support teams led by Minister Han Wha-jin, conducting feasibility studies for various projects such as green hydrogen and seawater desalination, and inviting officials from the Omani government to Korea.

In addition to the seawater desalination project, green hydrogen projects are also progressing vigorously in Oman. Recently, Samsung C&T acquired the rights to produce green hydrogen from renewable energy in the Salalah region of Oman and is scheduled to begin airflow volume measurements this month. Subsequently, the company plans to establish a Special Purpose Company (SPC) and proceed with conceptual design (Pre-Feed), ensuring smooth progress in the green hydrogen project in Oman.

After setting an ambitious goal last year, ME has once again aimed for a procurement and export effect of KRW 22 trillion this year. To aid companies in their overseas expansion efforts, the Ministry is dispatching green industry support teams, offering assistance throughout the entire process, from negotiation support to procurement and post-management.

Minister Han Wha-jin stated, “Through the recent procurement of the seawater desalination project in Oman, we were able to reaffirm the global competitiveness of our water industry.” She added, “Beyond the Middle East, the government will spare no effort in supporting water industry procurement and export achievements in global markets such as South America and Africa.”

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Division. 

Contact person: Gina Lee, foreign media spokesperson

Phone: +82-44-201-6055

Email: gcjgina