Press Release

Board View

Producers of the daily necessities obligated to carry the separate discharge mark on their products


Along with the official implementation of the Extended Producer Responsibility System (EPRS), the Separate Discharge Mark System will also go into effect from January 1, 2003, in which the producers of the daily necessities will be obliged to attach a separate discharge mark on their products.

The bottles and wrappings of above a certain volume for foods, agricultural produce, dairy and fishery products, detergents, cosmetics, drugs, and pesticides are subject to the separate discharge mark system, as well as the bottles and wrappings of paper, glass, metals, plastics. Then the products and wrappings with the separate discharge marks will be designated as separate collection by the local governments.

Implementation of this System will allow the consumers to easily recognize the recyclable products for separate discharge and recycling. Also, it will contribute to the reduction of the waste generated through the promotion of recycling activities.