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The European Parliament(EP) formally adopts new rules for electronic waste

On 18 December, 2002, the EP gave its final approval on the draft directive on the waste of electrical and electronic equipment(WEEE) and its companion draft directive restricting the use of hazardous substances in electrical equipment (ROHS).

A key element of the new law is the establishment of the principle that individual producers should be responsible for financing the waste treatment of their own products. The European Union expects that about 75% of the electronic wastes will be recycled through the implementation of these rules.

China plans to hold back the expansion of the desertification areas

The State Forestry Bureau of China announced on Dec. 9, 2002 of its plans to combat expansion of the desertification areas through implementation of the 3 projects designed for the prevention of the land degradation.

Since the land degradation and desertification are currently in increasing trend in China, continuous efforts will be made to hold back the expansion of desertification areas by the year 2010. These efforts will result in reduced desertification land area by the year 2030 and eventually, good ecological prospects can be expected by the year 2050.