Press Release

Board View

Asiatic Black Bear makes appearance in Jirisan


After many failed attempts, the National Parks Authority finally succeeded in capturing a live picture of a Asiatic Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus) in Jirisan, through a self-camera installed deep in the National Park.

After the news was released in Nov, 2000 about the existence of the Asiatic Black Bear in Jirisan, the National Parks Authority tried to prove its existence. A group of experts formed for Asiatic Black Bear management and research, and in May 2002, the group installed self-cameras in several places around the park where the traces of the Asiatic Black Bears were found, finally succeeding in capturing a live photograph on Oct. 2002.

From looking at the photograph, the Asiatic Black Bear is estimated to be about 6~7 years old, and as inferred from its traces in the habitat, there seems to be several other Asiatic Black Bears living in Jirisan. The National Parks Authority began conducting a study based on the Asiatic Black Bear's habitat, by examining the hair, excretion, and its traces of living in the area where the picture was taken.

The National Parks Authority plans to regulate the security and control of the parks to secure more stable habitation for the Asiatic Black Bears, and through a restoration project, it plans to promote a more sustainable number of the Asiatic Black Bear species in Korea.